Easily Level Any Lawn

Uneven Lawns – How to Easily Level Any Lawn

There are many reasons that lawns become uneven. Most often they causes are from everyday use such as bicycles being used on them by children, wearing from ball games or even just from walking over them. In other cases it could be due to the sod being laid unevenly or incorrectly.

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It’s fairly easy to level an uneven lawn, just as long as some basic rules are followed.

How to Improve Shallow Lawn Depressions

When lawn depressions are less than 3 inches deep, they can be easily levelled out with application of top-dressing.

Try to use the same soil that is already in use on the lawn. Ideally you could take some soil from the adjoining garden beds as it is most likely to be very similar in properties. Otherwise you may want to use free flowing sand. Sand is an excellent option due to it not being likely to compact, which will result in grass plants finding it difficult to grow.

One of the most important points that you’ll need to be aware of is that depressions should be treated in increments. Apply your first top dressing in small quantity, with just half an inch treated at a time. Don’t ever add so much that you can no longer see the green leaf of the lawn. Once you have added it, water it into the lawn to settle it.

After the first application, give time for the lawn to recover and grow over the application area. This will most likely take up to two weeks. Once it has regrown, then it’s time to apply more top soil to the depression, not exceeding half an inch. Repeat this until your lawn is level.

How to Improve Deep Lawn Depressions

When it comes to the deeper lawn depressions, you will need to make an assessment of the lawn to determine which of two methods will be most suitable.

The first method involves the removal of a strip of lawn in order to fill the soil beneath it to make it even. You can do this by digging out turf that is between 12 and 24 inches wide. Lift the sod in the same manner that is used for rolls of sod. Now apply sand or top soil that you have gathered from elsewhere on your property.

Another method is to remove the lawn to dispose of deep lawn depressions. The remaining area would then be filled with soil or sand and reseeded.

Deeper lawn depressions cannot be treated by adding sand or soil to it. It will likely result in a ‘water-well’ which can further damage the lawn with possible disease.

Ongoing Lawn Care

Lawns that have undergone repair will need to be taken care. There should be more regular and frequent watering until the area is fully recovered. Also add fertiliser at the same time as the repair in modest amounts.

By using the above techniques, you’ll soon find yourself with a very level lawn that can be enjoye

From Paula Hyde
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