Everybody looks forward to those summer days and evenings where you can invite your friends over for a barbecue
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Remember, if you want a great looking garden for next summer, then you have to look after it now.
Water your garden!
If we are lucky enough to experience a hot summer it’s important to water your grass. Hot and dry weather can cause your grass to go brown, which will affect both the appearance and strength of your lawn. But, be careful not to overwater; a soaked lawn can also weaken your grass.
Rising temperatures can also take its toll on your plants, so don’t forget to keep them hydrated too.
Make good use of your lawn mower.
In the summer it is vital that you are mowing your lawn very regularly. Warm weather are the ideal conditions to help your grass grow so it’s likely you will be using your lawn mower twice a week in the peak of summer.
Remember to only cut your grass a third off each time as cutting it too short will cause damage. If you don’t currently have a lawn mower or you are looking at investing in a new one then check out our range of mountfield lawn mowers.
Mountfield lawn mowers are one of Britain’s best selling make of lawn mowers and with a huge range they are perfect for homeowners.
Regardless of whether your lawn is ready to be featured in House and Garden magazine or if it is need of some TLC, any of the Mountfield lawn mowers will help you achieve a great looking lawn in the future.
Get rid of weeds!
The spring is usually the time to tackle any weeds you may have noticed pop up in your lawn. But the summer is the perfect time to tackle any of those annoying recurring weeds that have somehow managed to survive your first round of weed killer.
An effective weed killer is the perfect way to get rid of those pesky weeds. But if they keep recurring it is likely that you have a deeper problem that you will need to look into.
If you do decide to invest in one of our recommended mountfield lawn mowers, it will help you keep your weeds at bay. Weeds often descend on gardens that are not properly maintained and by frequently mowing your grass you will see a reduction in weeds very quickly.
Feed your grass and keep it green.
The warmth of summer will help your grass grow quicker than usual, which is great for getting rid of bare patches, but quick growing grass also uses more of the nutrients found in your soil. Lawn feeds are available to put nourishment and colour back in your grass, ensuring your grass does not lose its green sheen.