How to Prepare Soil for Gardens and Lawns
Every gardener loves the spring and summer months. It’s time to dust off the tools and get ready for a great season of tending our beloved gardens.
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Now that we are well into May, and the warmer days are here, it’s time to check that your soil is in good condition for all the growth that will be going on. It’s important that there are plenty of nutrients in the soil and that the texture is ideal for healthy plants to grow.
Here are our tips on how to prepare soil for gardens and lawns:
1.Is the soil the right condition for digging?
Don’t start digging in soil that is very wet. It makes it heavy, hard to work and it won’t break into the loose texture that is necessary for plants to be happy. Also, be aware that walking across soil when it’s wet will only further compact it which makes it hard to work with later on.
You can judge whether the soil is of the right consistency for working with by taking a handful of soil and forming it into a ball in your hands. If when you tap it, it shatters easily, then it’s ready to work with.
2. Clearing the area
Remove any build-up of leaves or twigs on your soil so that the plants have a clear space to grow through. You might want to use either a hoe or a rake to do this with.
3. Dig deep to loosen the soil
Soil that is compacted does not allow plants to thrive. Dig deep to break it up and get some air into it. We recommend that you dig down at least 10 or 12 inches.
4. Adding organic matter
Now add you organic matter such as well-rotted compost or manure on top of the prepped soil. Work it through with your hoe so that it is well distributed. Adding this type of material will dramatically improve the quality of the soil for your plants.
Although soil preparations of this type can be hard work, it is a job that will pay you dividends when it comes to enjoying your plants and seedlings over the summer months.