As the last month of Summer ends it is time to get ready for the Autumn months. September is a good month to prepare for Spring giving you a good head start on next year’s growing season. That said, there is still time to enjoy the garden, you can extend your hanging baskets and bedding plants by continuing to deadhead and water. September is usually a warm month, but jobs can be started before the cold snap comes in and rainfall increases.
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We have compiled a list of jobs for Autumn and a few products for finishing tasks efficiently.
Collect any free seeds that your plants may have to offer, wait until the seed heads come away easily and store them in labelled paper bags or envelopes.
If you are planning to plant bulbs ready for next Spring now is a good time. Planting in borders and pots should be complete by the end of September.
Your borders may have started to look untidy with straggly annuals, cut these down to the ground and as the end of September approaches cut back roses and other perennials that have finished flowering. Insulate the soil with mulch or well-rotted manure to keep the weeds down and the soil protected from a harsh Winter.
Trimming hedges and reshaping topiary should be completed before the first frost. Always check bushes and hedges for birds nests before starting work, see our blog on Hedgetrimming in Autumn. Taller hedges will need to be shaped with a longreach hedge trimmer, bearing in mind that one of the most common causes of garden accidents are falls from ladders. There is a good range of cordless hedge cutters on offer giving the advantage to move without the restriction of cables. You may decide a multi-tool would be a better investment as they will usually come with pole pruner attachment for when it’s time to cut back trees and shrubs. Topiary can be re-shaped using a lightweight handshear, these usually come with a handy tool for tidying lawn edges too!
If planters are finished for the year any pots that are used for bedding plants or Spring / Summer displays can be emptied and cleaned. Pots and containers can harbour bugs and diseases that can be harmful to plants, terracotta pots accumulate a salt build up from soils, this looks unpleasant and could cause damage to new plants. After emptying the planter, brush with a stiff brush removing any leftover soil and dirt. If the pot looks clean and free from residue then it can be stored without cleaning (no one needs to create unnecessary work for themselves).
If a pot looks like it has a salt build up or you’ve had disease problems with a particular container, it’s probably worth giving it a clean. Find a large enough container to hold the pots and fill it with a solution of three parts water and one-part vinegar, leave the pots in there for ten minutes or more. When the time is up, remove the pot from the solution, wipe off any excess liquid and leave to air dry. When the pots are dry store them in sheltered place.
If your planters are home to shrubs or perennials you may like to empty some of the topsoil over your borders and refill with fresh. Before the first frost wrap the planter in bubble wrap, hessian sacking or purpose made plant protectors before storing them away in a sheltered place for the winter months.
It will soon be leaf fall season, if you have a pond in your garden, cover it with netting and secure with heavy rocks or tent pegs.
Empty and reorganise greenhouses, cold frames and sheds. Make any repairs to frames and roofs ready for the rain and frosty weather. Cleaning patios and driveways with a blower and pressure washer before the wet damp conditions cause moss and fungus growth.
Clean gutters and clear downpipes are extremely important to the overall weatherproofing of your house and outbuildings. We recommend the EGOPower + Blower (battery and charger purchased separately) and Gutter Cleaning Kit.
Lawns should be mowed regularly. You can use your mulching mower if you have one, this combined with aerating will work towards producing a healthy-looking lawn for next Spring. See our blog on Making the Most of your Mulching Mower. We have a blog on Managing your Garden Waste for handy tips on what to do with your grass cutting and green-waste. Petrol or cordless lawnmowers will make mowing your lawn easier thanks to its increased power.
September can feel as busy as Spring with a list of jobs to complete before the first frost arrives, but once the list of tasks is complete you can sit back and take a break from outdoor chores until early Spring.
If you require any further advice on mulching mowers, aerators or blowers for your garden please call us on: 01452 61 61 69 or email us at: [email protected]
Further reading
Jobsfor September
Mulchesand Mulching
How to ClearGutters
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