Winter Maintenance Tips for Petrol Lawnmowers


Now as I’m hoping that many of you reading this read our autumn maintenance tips blog maybe thinking that there isn’t that much at all to do in the winter. Well think again! There are a whole host of jobs and tasks that you can undertake to maintain the condition and performance of your petrol lawnmower. Please do note that some of them may overlap or be of a similar nature as to ones previously advised to do in the autumn but this is also something you should be doing this season as well as some other jobs that come around winter time with the adverse weather conditions. The main reason why you should be taking care of your petrol lawnmower in the winter is the fact that petrol doesn’t like the colder temperatures, therefore the flow of the fuel will be affected and consequently cause you lawnmower not to start properly or even at all. Furthermore, we advise that you try and get someone to help you with these tasks as it can be a difficult thing to do on your own at this particular time in the year.

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Helpful Tips

Firstly, we would recommend that you remove all the excess petrol from the fuel tank so that it doesn’t damage the insides of your lawnmower. Also, make sure that when you are doing this that you try and avoid any potential spillages as this will only cause the job to take longer and become more stressful for yourself.

Next, we would advise you to drain any excess oil out of your lawnmower, much like in the way with how to remove the petrol from the fuel tank and make sure you safely dispose of it too and this could have potential environmental consequences. The reasoning for this is also the same as removing the petrol from your lawnmower.

After this, you should remove the spark plug and put lubricating oil through the opening (many people recommend approximately 50mm). Then crank the engine one or two times with the pull cord. This is done to make sure that the crankshaft and piston is properly lubricated ready for next use.

Next, safely turn over your lawnmower and thoroughly clean the undersides and remove any debris from the machine. This will limit the chances of a poor aesthetically pleasing lawn and also significantly reduce the chance of human/machine injury occurring. Furthermore, we would advise that you apply some strong WD-40 after this to further strengthen the condition of the lawnmower.

Finally, you should change both the air and oil filter. We should highlight however that the air filter can be cleaned, but if it is made out of paper, then without question must be changed. Even though this can be done just before you use the lawnmower again, you might as well do it now in case you forget nearer the time you will use it again.

All of the above must be done using protective clothing and accessories to avoid personal injury too.


We hope that these tips we have explained will provide you with the correct platform so that when it comes to use the lawnmower in the spring time, no significant issues will crop up and cause delay in the start of your gardening and mowing. Make sure to check back in the spring for ‘Spring Maintenance Tips for Petrol Lawnmowers’.

From Liam Davey
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